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“All Men are Created Equal, but Treated Unequal systematically by zip code and other non-natural screening processes to Equal Opportunity.”
~ Dean L. Jones


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“In order to form a more perfect Union — all communities have to produce, pledge, provide, and promote greater quality Opportunities.”
~ Dean L. Jones


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“Longevity underscores how predominantly fresh college graduates with nominal knowhow are extended employment opportunities more rapidly than to fresh older workers with substantial knowhow.”
~ Dean L. Jones


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“Flawless preparation is clearly exercised by those in the arts to please their respective customer whenever the opportunity presents itself, unlike those in the sciences who are falling short at the opportunity to please their respective customers, evident by the escalating number of product recalls resulting from flawed preparation.” ~ Dean L. Jones


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“The ‘U.S.’ public/private industries are poorly participating in an unforeseen Meaningful Opportunities battle against mounting industrialized forces of radical factions; where to a great extent in the digital space the opposition is out attracting, embracing, and employing people to work for causes that in all intents and purposes are hell bent on biting ‘US’ in the ass.” ~ Dean L. Jones


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“Clear-cut preparation is the center of opportunity, so be prepared.” ~ Dean L. Jones


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Richard Robert Wright

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“The President may issue each year a proclamation designating February 1 as National Freedom Day to commemorate the signing by Abraham Lincoln on February 1, 1865, of the joint resolution adopted by the Senate and the House of Representatives that proposed the 13th amendment to the Constitution.
~ Created by Richard Robert Wright, Sr.



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“When the people garner the opportunity to powerfully address the government in the fight for higher wages remember to first do the math, always bearing in mind it is not how much you make, but how much you keep that matters.  So once again, when your wages go up, the amount of tax withheld goes up proportionately, making Uncle Sam the undisputed champion yet again—fancy that.” ~ Dean L. Jones


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“War battles have been won and loss by land, air and sea, but the likely victor over the tacit cyber space war favors the culture that shares via the Internet the most effectual opportunities of inclusion.” ~ Dean L. Jones


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“Resolving domestic gun violence through heightened background checks will in no way set aside human beings of our citizenry severely frustrated with those who do nothing to resolve unequal chances for everyone to participate fairly in domestic opportunity.”
~ Dean L. Jones


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“Whether the need to pack heat is done so legally or illegally, the law of attraction presents opportunity to experience hot situations.” ~ Dean L. Jones


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“Without end, contrasting American workers yearn for public and private sector industries to increasingly fulfill the spirit and intent in making the most of USA’s equal employment opportunity laws.” ~ Dean L. Jones


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[wc_row][wc_column size=”one-third” position=”first”]Ruben Hurricane Carter

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“He who bemoans the lack of opportunity, forgets that small doors many times open up into large rooms.”
~ Rubin ‘Hurricane’ Carter


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“It would great if professionals involved in procurement and human resources characteristically practiced what sports organizations do in carrying out all-embracing outreach to scout and attract new talent for the team.” ~ Dean L. Jones


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“Scarcity is the fertile breeding ground of disparity, considerably diverse from the land of abundant opportunities where equality grows.” ~ Dean L. Jones


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“It would great if professionals involved in procurement and human resources characteristically practiced what sports organizations do in carrying out all-embracing outreach to scout and attract new talent for the team.”
~ Dean L. Jones


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“A broken bridge will include two movements; either a sense of urgency move to fix-it, or a community involuntarily required to move apart.”
~ Dean L. Jones
