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“Deriving health benefits from eating largely plant-based foods is the blessing that helped purge a dependency on injurious processed sugary-filled foodstuff — Thank God!”
~ Dean L. Jones
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“If I were forced to give up the joys of consuming fresh fruits and vegetables each day, I presume I would revert to meat consumption, which brings to mind the phrase – Over My Dead Body.”
~ Dean L. Jones
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“Trusting in an energy much greater than me fills my soul with celebrated enjoyment of fresh fruits and vegetables grown from planet earth.”
~ Dean L. Jones
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“It’s been so many years now, but I do remember having a flat stomach, although I cannot commit to memory which foodstuff or beverage is responsible for taking it away, it’s been so many.”
~ Dean L. Jones
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“The presidential campaign catchphrase ‘a chicken in every pot and a car in every garage’ accompanied a 3% national obesity rate, contrasted to a current 35% obesity rate where pots and garages have been swamped to contain the enormity of meats and cars Americans take pleasure in.” ~ Dean L. Jones
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“You had me at Sweet Potato Pie.” ~ Dean L. Jones
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“American alcoholism and nicotine addiction was fueled from a relentless selling of spirits and tobacco products, respectively; akin to current food chains’ happy-go-lucky menus of Pizza—Chicken—Potatoes (PCP), the ‘trifecta’ spread in the epidemic of American obesity.” ~ Dean L. Jones
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“Let’s focus on the primary source of good in American values by interrupting where $5 can buy a limited 20 fresh oranges with fiber, essential nutrients, vitamins, and minerals, in contrast [for the same amount of money] to acquiring five whole gallons of orange drink containing 2400 grams (600 teaspoons) of risky processed sugar.”
~ Dean L. Jones