Lyrical Gems

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Sly Stone1

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I want to thank you for letting me be myself again ~ Sly Stone


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The Impressions1

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Now maybe some day –

I’ll reach that higher goal –

I know that I can make it –

With just a little bit of soul –

‘Cause I’ve got my strength –

And it don’t make sense –

Not to keep on pushin’



~ The Impressions


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When you believe in things that you don’t understand, – Then you suffer, – Superstition ain’t the way
~ Stevie Wonder


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Pardon me, brother, I know we’ve come a long, long way – But let us not be so satisfied for tomorrow can be an – An even brighter day

~ Curtis Mayfield


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Dynamic Superiors

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I may not have much to speak of – But there’ll always be plenty of love ~ Dynamic Superiors

